
What is the Reports menu?

The Reports menu is your tool for generating countless reports for everything from drawer balances and employee check-ins to mailing labels and inventory depreciation. Most functions in AIMsi can be reported on and the reports can be used to make your business more efficient. For example, you can report on your inventory stock, seeing what is and is not selling, and modify your buying as necessary to keep your store stocked only with those items that sell.

Report Catalog

The Report Catalog is over 150 AIMsi reports for you to use by quickly entering a few details. All you need to do to generate a comprehensive report of information is select the report you want, click Run, and enter your report criteria. The report output can be printed, emailed, saved to your computer, and/or simply viewed on your computer monitor.

Report Favorites

The Report Favorites is a grouping of reports you have marked as "favorites" that you use frequently. Adding reports to your favorites simplifies your reporting needs by reducing the number of reports available to select. You can also select from the complete set of AIMsi reports in the Report Catalog if you wish to print a "non-favorite" report.

Report Wizard - simple custom reports

The Report Wizard is a 3rd party reporting tool bundled with AIMsi that enables you to create simple reports. For example, if you want to print a list of manufacturers, you would use the Report Wizard and select the appropriate tables of information based on the Data Dictionary. You can find the Download Dictionary on Tri-Tech's Downloads page through the Member Portal.

Complex custom reports

If you need to create complex custom reports, contact Tri-Tech Technical support for assistance. In most cases, we can create a custom report for you for a nominal charge.